Military specification stainless steel embossed identification tags "Dog tags"
Only these characters can be embossed: A to Z (Capital only, no special characters), 0 to 9, -dash, . period, and , comma
Set consists of 2 stainless steel ID tags, one 24" stainless steel bead necklace, one 4" stainless steel bead necklace and two black plastic silencers. Enter required information in engraving blocks. Specify if they are for Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard or Space Force since there are some small embossing variations. Sample images are displayed for each service. For security reasons, DoD number is now used instead of Social Security Number. Ships within 72 hours. Orders can be called in if necessary due to security concerns. 410-674-4998
Dog tags can be prepared for civilian applications also. Includes 5 lines, maximum spaces per line is 15. Both tags will be identical. Government credit card or purchase orders are also accepted.
1 Review Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Dog Tags Army
Excellent if the picture of the dog tags show with this review, Actual dog tags 100% better than the picture portrays. I bought replacement dog tags from others, don't come close to these.